
September 15, 2021

Gallery Wall Art Roundup

I’ve got a quick one for ya today! I’m sharing a fast gallery wall art roundup to scratch my current Etsy itch. Since adding more art to our home, I’ve discovered the wonderful world of printable wall art on Etsy. This opened up a giant rabbit hole that I can’t quit exploring. So, I thought I would share some of my current favorites with you.

Right now, my taste is a little all over the place, but I am particularly loving minimal art and vintage landscapes. Most of our home includes vintage paintings or reproductions, so I tend to look for things that would complement what we currently have. In my office, however, I opted for more fun and colorful art. Check out my home office tour here and see what I chose.

Here’s my round-up…

gallery wall art roundup
Links are right below

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

Most recently, I discovered the magic of pre-designed printable gallery wall sets on Etsy. We purchased this set from NorthPrints Shop for our bathroom, and it looks every bit as magical on the wall as it does in the listing photos. We thrifted the frames, cut our own custom mats, and had a lot of fun hanging this one up. And we did the entire gallery wall for around $70. You can’t beat that!

If you’re decorating for kid’s and looking for something colorful and simple, I can’t recommend this shop enough.

Lastly, if you enjoy vintage wall art that is colorful, cheeky, and endlessly fun to look at, you must take a look at this shop.

I hope you enjoyed this quick round-up today. As I continue to peruse Etsy late at night, perhaps I’ll create more roundups.

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